SKILLS | Data Visualization | Information Architecture | Graphic Design | Typography |
CLIENT | Academic
This project challenge was to research a personality, and then sift through any data recorded to locate meaningful aspects that would transfer into compelling data visualization of this personality.
I created an infographic to encapsulate this single personality, which had an almost schizophrenic attitude. I emphasized the diversity of this personality through the use of opposing colours, shapes, and supported through the data from the research process.
I produced an infographic that was sparse-looking yet full of information was produced. I employed a stark colour palette of harsh black and white to focus on the contrasting personality traits. I supported this with the use of contrasting shapes: the roundness of a flower above a square table format for the flower petals.
I used information architecture to separate the contrasting features of the subject so they could easily be seen as different.
The photo of the flower was taken by the person being analyzed, and the flower itself was from a garden they had designed. Colours for the title were taken from the tones within this photograph.
I composed the infographic so that it illustrates at a glance a complex yet still intact personality, contradictory aspects of a single whole entity. The human-centered focus of this design is both purposeful and insightful at the same time.
I generated many iterations for this project prior to actual production. Sketches were considered based on much of the individual’s personal collection of artifacts. All of the concepts were viable solutions to the project challenge, however the final layout was chosen because it best encapsulated the humanity of the character. Several of the sketches were worked into semi-final concepts before the ultimate one was chosen. This shows how effective it is to bring artifacts of personal connection into the design process, as well as the importance of interviewing and learning as much as possible about the subject prior to beginning design work.
I carefully considered the title of the infographic, and focussed on the jarring opposites offered by the personality, as well as the Italian influences and the gardening interests of the specific person’s history.
I had a hard time reconciling the two opposing aspects within the one subject. I ended up needing to use that overbearing tension and transferred it into the harshness of the poster.